One of the privileges of American Spaniel Club membership is the ability to Futurity nominate bitches and enter enrolled puppies from nominated litters at the National Specialty and Flushing Spaniel Show. Through the years, breeders who are ASC members have proudly made nominations in the belief the puppies will live up to the concept that well-bred dogs which exemplify the standard are the foundation of our breed for years to come.

Because the American Spaniel Club is dedicated to the future of our breed and in supporting our member breeders, the Board of Directors has voted to reward the winners of the ASC Cocker Spaniel Futurity with a cash award in addition to the placement checks currently offered.

Beginning with the July 2023 National, the ASC Board has voted to award the winner of Best in Futurity (BIF) $1000 and will award $500 to the winner of Best of Opposite (BOS) to BIF. These awards will be presented to the BREEDER(S) of the puppies awarded BIF and BOS to BIF. The same awards will also be presented at the January Flushing Spaniel Show. 

Diane Kepley, President

Show Committee

Show Chair - Stephanie KaulAsst. Show Chair - Andrea Floyd
Agility - Andrea FloydJudges Education - Nancy Gallant
ASC Foundation - Marlene NessJudges Hospitality - Doris Hutchison
Awards Dinner - Doris HutchisonMemorabilia - Stephanie Kaul
Basket Raffle - Lisa Pino & Patti AuldObedience/Rally - Colleen Keough
Breeders Education - Linda PittsPublicity - Stephanie Kaul
Budget Liaison - Beth WilliamsReserved Seating - Kerri Kent
Catalog Advertising - Kelly LadouceurRV Parking - Tony Stallard
Catalog Sales & Information - Susan TasilloSilent Auction - Terry Kelso
Chief Ring Steward - TBDSponsor Seating - Michelle Roof
Decorations - Stephanie KaulTack Room - Ernie Domondon
Futurity - Joan StallardTrophies/Ribbons - Susan Horovitz
Grounds/Transp - Mike AllenVendors - Pam Long
Hospitality - Doris Hutchison50/50 Raffle - Stephanie Kaul

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