2025 ASC Flushing Show Grooming Reservation

Reservations must be paid online or postmarked on or before December 25, 2024. All reservations made online or postmarked after the closing date will be subject to a $25 late fee. No exceptions. The late fee will be charged at checkout via the ASC Store. If paying via the ASC store, please  include the number of dogs and breed(s) at checkout in the additional information section. Anyone wanting to set up with another exhibitor must indicate that on the form or if paying via the ASC store, indicate this at checkout in the additional information section. The tack room will be available to the exhibitors at 6:00 a.m. on Thursday, January 9. 10 x 10 grooming space w/ electric is $100.  Only one electric per 10 x 10. If you need additional outlets, you must purchase another 10 x 10 space. All ex-pens must have plastic under them with pans or shavings. Electric cords must be taped down. Exhibitors must supply their own tape and plastic/shavings. Designated day crating will be available without electric and everything must be removed following the end of the show each day. There will be no refunds after the closing date ******************************************************************** Or, download the grooming reservation form and mail your completed form and check payable to ASC (U.S. dollars) to: Marlene Ness 19 Cherry Lane Bethel, CT 06801-2821 Email: nesmar@live.ca