As outlined in the ASC Bylaws (Article IV, Section 2) regarding the nomination and election of ASC officers and board members, the ASC Board has appointed the following members to serve on the National Nominating Committee.

The committee will nominate a slate of ASC Board members who will begin their terms in January 2023.

Any person who has been an ASC Full Member for a minimum of three continuous years immediately preceding the January election, who is a resident of the United States or its territories and is in good standing with the club is eligible to be nominated as a member of the Board of Directors.

Any eligible ASC Full Member who is interested in being considered for a position as Director at Large should contact the members of the National Nominating Committee no later than September 20, 2022. All candidates will be asked to provide information about their background, interests, and experience in ASC and/or other dog clubs.

National Nominating Committee
Per Rismyhr – Chair
Sherry Leubker
Genea Jones
Billie Hayes
Jeff Wright

Contact information for each of the committee members can be obtained from:
ASC Corresponding Secretary David Roberts
(919) 637-1003