The ASC Foundation 2024 OFA/Eye Exam Rebate Program – Ends January 31, 2025
This program is open to all Cocker Spaniel owners who submitted eye exams to the OFA health registry in 2024. To qualify for a $5 rebate, submit the following information before January 31, 2025, to:
Lindy Bennett at
1. Registered names of all cockers with eye exams entered the OFA in 2024.
2. Include your mailing address and your email address
3. You will receive $5 for every dog entered into the OFA.
4. Provide the name you want on the check. Checks will be mailed no later than the end of February.
5. You can contribute your rebate to the Foundation if you desire by indicating this in your submission.
Thank you for helping to build the American Spaniel Club Cocker Spaniel Health Registry data in the OFA Registry with the submission of your current eye exams.
The ASC Foundation will again offer these incentives in 2026, so get your updates throughout 2025.