Reserved Seating


Seating prices:
$50.00 – front row seats (while they last)
$35.00 – All other reserved seats
$40.00 – day of show reserved seat price

Postage meter is not valid for a postmark date. No express, overnight, or priority mail accepted.

There is a limit of 4 seats per reservation and occupant names for each chair and primary breed must be listed either in the completed form when you mail it in or in the notes when making an ASC Store payment at checkout. 

Seating will be assigned by online payment or postmark date. Only orders received or envelopes postmarked on or after December 9, 2024 will be accepted.

Or, download and complete the Reserved Seating Form. Send the completed form with payment to:
Dianne Hill
3209 N. Sandy Hollow Drive
Hutchinson, KS 67502 or 620-921-5886

All seats are for the entire weekend and are assigned to the ring in which your primary breed is to be shown. Breeds will be judged in the same ring each day except for Best of Breed/Variety and Best In Show. All sold seating will be moved to the appropriate ring. There will be no FREE chairs at the show.

Of note: There are a limited number of front row seats available. If you see that there are no front row seats available in your primary breed when you go to purchase them via the ASC store, please contact Deann Rogers ( ASAP, and any available inventory will be moved around for you to purchase. Once all the front row seats have been sold, it will be noted on this page.


There is a limit of 4 seats per reservation and occupant names for each chair must be listed either in the completed form when you mail it in or in the notes when making an ASC Store payment at checkout. 

Postage meter is not valid for a postmark date. No express, overnight, or priority mail accepted. Seating will be assigned by online payment postmark date. Only orders received or envelopes postmarked on or after December 9, 2024 will be accepted.


Additional information

Primary Breed

American Cocker, Clumber, English Cocker, Field Spaniel, Sussex, English Springer, Irish Water, Welsh Springer, American Water, Boykin


Reserved Seat, Front Row Seating, Day of Show Seating

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